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ISSN 1516-5477

Série Especial de Livros da Revista Notandum

Dossier Kelman

Roseli Fischmann (org.)
Jean Lauand & Sylvio Horta (eds.)

Honorable Mention – Menção Honrosa

UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and
Non-Violence 2006 (Award Ceremony 16 November 2006, UNESCO, Paris)

Prêmio UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh para a Promoção da Tolerância e Não-Violência 2006
(Cerimônia de Premiação 16 de novembro de 2006, UNESCO, Paris)

Celebrating his 80th Anniversary (18 March 2007)

Celebrando seu 80o Aniversário (18 de março de 2007)



Spiritual Globe

©UNESCO. Tolerance Flag.
Spiritual Globe” by Robert Rauschenberg.




Luiz Jean Lauand e Sylvio Guimarães Horta (editores)

Nota introdutória e agradecimentos
Introductory note and acknowledgements
Roseli Fischmann (org.)

click to see larger picture  Photo credit: Justin Ide, Harvard News Office.
Photo credit: Justin Ide, Harvard News Office.


Greetings to Herbert Kelman: On behalf of Peace
Saudação a Herbert Kelman: Em favor da Paz
Marcio Nogueira Barbosa, Deputy Director-General of UNESCO

Address – Award Ceremony November 16th 2006, Paris UNESCO House
UNESCO Director-General, Mr Koichiro Matsuura

click to see larger picture

UNESCO’s official form of nomination

Letter of nomination of Herbert C. Kelman to the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2006, Roseli Fischmann

Letter of nomination of Herbert C. Kelman to the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2006, Jorge I. Domínguez

Addendum – Justification (to the Letter of Nomination), by Roseli Fischmann

Letters of Support (Alphabetical order)

Adnan Abu-Odeh
Former Political Advisor to late King Hussein of Jordan, former Jordanian Ambassador to the UN, International Crisis Group (ICG) Member of Board of Trustees, Cairo, Egypt.
Boutros Boutros Ghali
President of the National Council for Human Rights, Egypt
Donna Hicks
Associate Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Harold Saunders
Chairman and President, The International Institute for Sustained Dialogue and former US Ambassador, Washington, D.C., USA.
Hugh O’Doherty
Scholar-practitioner, Affiliate Center for Public Leadership, Kennedy School of Government/Harvard, and former Director at the Northern Ireland Inter-Group Relations Project.
Jorje H. Zalles
Professor and Chairman, Conflict Resolution and Leadership Studies Department, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Equador.
Kurt R. Spilmann
Professor, Center for Security Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland.
Lenore G. Martin and Sara Roy
Lenore Martin, Professor of Political Science, Emmanuel College, and Associate Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University; and Sara Roy, Senior Researcher Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Maria Hadjipavlou
Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Norbert Ropers
Director. Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies. Sri Lanka Office.
Philip S. Khoury
Associate Provost of MIT, Ford International Professor of History, and former Kenan Sahin Dean, School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology—MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Ronald J. Fisher
Professor of International Peace and Conflict Resolution, American University, Washington, D.C., USA.
Shimon Shamir
Professor, Tel Aviv University, Former Ambassador of Israel in Egypt and Jordan
Walid Khalidi
Former Senior Researcher Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, USA.

Annexes mentioned in the Letter of Nomination and in Addendum

On UNESCO initiatives on Tolerance and Prize documents

• From tolerance to intercultural dialogue: an interview with Serguei Lazarev, by Roseli Fischmann
• Presentation of the Prize
• Call for nominations 2006 – UNESCO


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