International Studies on Law and Education -
Editorial Note


Luiz Jean Lauand
(Faculdade de Educação da USP)


The series International Studies on Law and Education - published by the Departamento de Filosofia e Ciências da Educação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo, Harvard Law School Association of Brazil, and Editora Mandruvá - resulted from a team effort by a group of editors interested in reviewing and publishing the work of their peers.


Special appreciation and thanks are due to the tireless Antonio Carlos Rodrigues do Amaral (Harvard Law School Association of Brazil) and to our electronic publisher Sylvio Horta (Editora Mandruvá).


This volume - as will be usual in this series - includes contributions from members of the Harvard Law School Association and of the Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo and, naturally, from other scholars.


Like other academic reviews of the Editora Mandruvá - Collatio(1), Revista Internacional d'Humanitats(2), Notandum(3), Mirandum(4), Videtur(5) etc. -, International Studies on Law And Education is mainly an electronic journal on the Net -  - and is also available on paper.


We hope this series will represent a contribution that law and education studies can make to wider concerns in the humanities and the social sciences.

We wish to thank the authors for the high-quality of their articles and to express our special gratitude to the Spanish experts, Alfonso López Quintás and César Coll, for their contributions to the "dossier" on the Brazilian curriculum reform of primary and secondary education.


This volume is a commemorative edition celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo.

June, 1999

1. Co-edition of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Departamento de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos / DLO-FFLCHUSP.

2. Co-edition of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana / EDF-FEUSP.

3. Co-edition of the Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto / EDF-FEUSP.

4. Co-edition of the USP / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Navarra, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg etc.